Everyone deserves to be Accessful.


Accessful Facilitator Manual

The legacy of our work in Peel DSB with District 19 is a newly-produced Facilitator Manual. It’s a programming-in-a-box” solution for OSSTF Districts and Ontario schools interested in implementing their own Accessful projects. You’ll find the 120 page manual as a download in the EDUCATORS section of Resources.
June 2024

An Important Message Concerning COVID-19

Hi Everyone. Given the current situation, we know there are many questions about how the rest of the 2021 – 2022 school year will unfold. To help with you this unprecedented time, we have created a Google Classroom so Accessful staff can continue to support your summer employment search efforts. Stay tuned as we reach out to your teachers to get started. Hang in there, we’ll get through this together!

Accessful Webinar & Facilitator's Manual

Due to COVID-19 protocols, we were unable to arrange a time in April or May for special education teachers and others to participate in scheduled webinars. Instead, we produced a 20 minute video that walks you through all aspects of an Accessful project. We hope you’ll take a look. And should you have any questions, please email us. We’d be grateful to receive your feedback and welcome the opportunity to collaborate with new people and organizations!

The Right Start Unlocks Success

Accessful is an exciting initiative to dramatically improve summer employment opportunities for students in Gr 10 to 12 with disabilities. Part of our mandate is to change the way disabilities are seen in our community. Imagine, students with disabilities thriving in rewarding summer jobs. Accessful brings together five key audiences – students; educators; parents; employers; and social agencies – to support individuals with disabilities get their first summer jobs.

The Right Start,In-school programming and Youth summer employment follows the students, educators and employers who participated in Accessful in 2018-019.

*For Blind or visually-empaired visitors, we encourage you to use VoiceOver for Apple or Narrator for Windows.
To listen to The Right Start” video: